#selfie #shessostrange #shegetsitfromherdad
Photo credit: Xan
Day one of the school holidays and Willow couldn’t get to the farm, and Brandy, quick enough!
Willow owns her own horse now… so tonight was her very last riding lesson at Goromon Park… it’s a bittersweet day.
We were watching home videos and Xan was commenting on how skinny he was ‘back then’… #nekminnit #ithinkwebrokehim
Xan and Albert are off to a ‘Dynamic Duo’ party as ‘Maverick and Goose’.
Gertie has taken a liking to sitting ON my mouse mat… makes working at my computer a little difficult!
Brandy is getting used to his new digs out at the farm.
Photo credit: Willow
Today Willow and Russ went to ‘have a look’ at some horses at the Young Horse Sales… and then this happened! #willowboughtahorse
This is our favourite salad around here… cucumber, green capsicum, corn and avocado, with a splash of lime juice… Xan added peas to this batch, but I prefer it without.
Starting to figure out this whole ‘Barefoot Investor’ caper… looks good so far.
This shit hurt – a lot! But I walked up to the top of Mt Ainslie, and then back down again!
Here’s how the story goes… today we had the opportunity to participate in a 5km ‘mental health’ walk for Wellness Week… when we got to the end of the walk, morning tea had been set up – fruit and water… and cake! Guess which one Russ chose after his 5km walk #hint #itdidntgrowonatree
Time to sell off some of my old gear… de-cluttering soothes the soul – or so they say 😉
Just Walter… with his boof-head in the way again <3
Today I was taking headshots at work and #myfavouriteranga was only to happy to help me test my light.
Tonight I gave Zumba a go… that was a bad plan 🙁 #mybutthurts
So I’ve added Pilate to my repertoire in an attempt to strengthen my core to support my sore back… fingers crossed!
After all those years of doing my girls hair – it was time for some payback… Xanthia straightened my hair for a change! 🙂
Dad was a gamer and brought his gaming headphones into the studio – GOLD! To date, this is my favourite newborn image I’ve ever taken <3
Purely for necessity (ie picking up a treadmill) saw me back in the bogan ute with this fella… who is all too excited about the prospect!
Today Jaimi was presented with a year-long scholarship for her riding class at Pegasus, Riding for the Disabled… she was so wonderful and brave when having to stand up in from of everyone to receive her certificate <3 Congratulations Jaimi!
Big storm caused this to happen just around the corner from our house! … and I knew nothing! :/
Photo Credit: Darci
When friends send you links to awesome Mickey products… that you already own! 😉
Lunch! My own Mexican beef recipe with avocado and sour cream – YUM!
10:23am and I have already hit my 10k step goal! WooHoo!